41025 ISD Assignment 2 Autumn 2019
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41025 ISD Assignment 2 Autumn 2019
(C) Dr. Asif Gill 2019 1
41025 Introduction to Software Development
Project – Implementation & Testing
Assignment 2
Due Date: Softcopy Due by Friday 31/05/2019 11:55 PM AEST
Showcases in Week Commencing from 03/06/2019 -
During Related Workshop: See workshop schedule on UTS Online for
exact dates/ time slots)
Submission: Each group will submit the following two items for the Online Movie Store:
Working Software: Working software application code will not be
submitted via Turnitin. The individually implemented (modules or features)
working software application code will be collated in a single project Zip
including database. Submit ISD project working software code files (source
and executable) with readme file (how to deploy and run the software) as a
single Zip file in the UTSOnline Assignment 2/ “Working Software Code
Submission” folder using your relevant workshop link before 31/05/2019
11:55 PM AEST. You can submit the software only once. You must not
make any changes once the software code is submitted. If you make any
changes after the submission due date, then the late assignment rules will
be applied.
Report: Each group will submit a softcopy (Microsoft Word File or PDF) of
the group report containing individual group member contributions. The
individual student contributions or parts will be highlighted (with their names
and student ids) and collated in a single group deliverable for submission and
assessment (group submission but individual assessment). Each individual
contribution will provide the (1) brief description of the assigned software

代做41025 ISD留学生作业、代写Java课程设计作业、Java程序语言作业调试

application feature or module, (2) non-functional aspects, and (3) software
testing results with executed tests and (4) defect log including (5) individual
contribution logbook/timesheets via Turnitin before 31/05/2019 11:55 PM
AEST. Use the Project - Assessment item 2 Turnitin link (View/ Complete)
in the UTSOnline Assignment 2 folder for submitting your assignment.
Your both software code and report submission files title/name must follow
the following naming pattern.
Your workshop activity number–group id
For instance, if your Wrk1 activity number is 02 (see timetable for your
activity) and group id is G1 then your submission file title/ name must be
worded as 02-G1. From each group only one student (project leader) should
submit the assignment on the behalf of the whole group. You do not need to
put the student ids of all the group members on the file title/ name. You must
check Turnitin report and ensure that your work does not contain plagiarism.
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(C) Dr. Asif Gill 2019 2
You may submit your report to Turnitin many times before the submission
due date. Final Turnitin reports can be used as evidence by the teaching staff
in the event that plagiarism is suspected in an assignment and will be dealt as
per University rules. Do not allow anyone to copy your solution – this is
considered misconduct; all miscreants will receive a mark of 0, at best
for the assignment and will be dealt as per University rules. You may be
required to provide the hard or soft copy of the assignment anytime during
the semester.
Marks: 50%
Word Limits: There is no word limit. It is not an essay. Therefore, it is not about the
number of words or pages. Assignments in this subject are looking for
quality and to-the-point professional work excluding unnecessary
information or brain dump. You can express yourself in 20 or 200 pages, it is
up to you. No student will be advantaged or disadvantaged by being less or
more words or pages. Focus on quality and not on the number of pages
and words.
Method: The assignment will be done in a group (preferably in the same workshop
and same group as for assignment 1). Group size should be limited to 4 and
no more than 6 students (enrolment numbers and situation-specific
circumstance will dictate the actual size of the groups). Groups were formed
for assignment 1 (during Weeks 1-4) and for any reason(s) you want to
change the group for assignment 2, then it is solely your responsibility to
make other arrangements and find another alternative group who is willing to
accept you. You cannot change the group once you have started the
assignment 2 (Week 7 onwards). This is a group assignment, however
each student in the group needs to implement (code) and test end-to-end
(as per MVC architecture layers) a complete working (free of defects)
software feature or module as their individual contribution. If the overall
software works but an individual’s implemented software feature or module
does not work according to the requirements, then that individual will
receive zero mark for this assignment. This way other members in the groups
will not be affected by the no or poor performance of an individual. You
must respect other students in the same group, different groups and teaching
staff. If you have any group issues, then you must inform your workshop
tutor as soon as possible and well before (at least 1 week or earlier) the
assignment submission or due date. Group assignment issues reported
on or after the assignment submission date may not be considered.
There will be zero tolerance for any academic and non-academic
misconduct. See University Rules, Subject Outline and Academic
Misconduct section of this brief for details.
Objectives: Subject objectives: 1, 2, 3,4 and 5
1. Investigate and solve software development problems with minimal
2. Determine and balance the competing goals of software development
activities within their constraints
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(C) Dr. Asif Gill 2019 3
3. Plan and manage a software development task to create, modify or extend
a software feature or function to completion within the task constraints.
4. Apply sound software engineering practices to successfully create, modify
or extend a software feature or function.
5. Communicate clearly software and task information to interested
Type: Project
Groupwork: Group, individually assessed
Criteria: The assignment will be individually assessed based on the following criteria.
Criteria Items Objectives Weight
Working software application (35 Marks) 1,2,3,4 70%
Tests of the solution (10 Marks) 1,2,3,4 20%
Overall quality, presentation (5 Marks) 5 10%
Total - 100%
There are no group marks. This means the individual marks for the
Assignment 2 shall be based on individual contributions in all three criteria
items across all the layers of the MVC architecture as a full stack developer.
Please also note that there will be no negotiation on a wrong answer. An
individual’s mark for this group work assessment shall be computed as:
Individual Student Contribution & Mark = Working software application
[assigned feature] (all the layers of MVC) + Tests of the solution [assigned
feature] + Overall quality, presentation [assigned feature]
Task: You are required to develop a web software application for Online Movie
Store (OMS) that allows users (registered and anonymous) to search and
purchase available movies. OMS stock and transactions records are stored
into a database. The OMS should be developed using agile practices and
following and MVC architecture designed and planned in assignment 1. This
assessment task will require a team of 4-6 students to produce, submit and
present a group report (comprises of individual contributions), small
working software application (comprises of individually implemented and
tested software features or modules) and individual contribution logbooks/
timesheets for release 1 (see minimum viable product section) for Online
Movie Store. Based on the plan, software requirements, architecture and
design (submitted for Assessment Items 1) for release 1 (minimum viable
product), each individual student in the group shall:
Working Software Application: Each student in a group will
implement and test the assigned (as agreed between the group
members and approved by the tutor as a product owner) feature or
module of the small software application; and
Report: Each student in a group will provide the brief description of
the assigned software application feature or module, non-functional
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(C) Dr. Asif Gill 2019 4
aspects, and software testing results with executed tests and defect
The individual student contributions or parts will be collated in a group
deliverable for submission and assessment (group submission but individual
assessment). The deliverables of this assessment task also include a
compulsory oral/visual presentation (no PowerPoint slides) of the
individually implemented working software application during the scheduled
assignment assessment or review session (showcase), individual contribution
logbooks/ timesheets and working software code implemented – as per
Subject Weekly Schedule. Any whole team or individual student who
failed to appear and present in these compulsory assignment assessment
and review sessions (Showcase) will receive zero (0) as a final individual
mark. Students may choose to work in a lab or from home. Each ISD project
team needs to nominate a project manager/ lead who will submit the
assignment 2 (software and report) on the behalf of the whole group or team.
Students may choose to work in a lab or from home. Each group shall explore different
ways of ensuring quality outcomes through the agile development and testing approach.
This can be supported through a set of software development and testing tools. Please note
that the work done in the Assignments 1 is a starting point for students to produce the
working software and report in Assignment 2. Working software must be developed and
tested for release 1 of Online Movie Store (minimum viable product). Students must get
feedback on their work-in-progress project from their tutors (product owners) during the
workshop sessions before formal submission.
Note: It is recommended that the essential functionality of the assignment will be
implemented using the web technologies and techniques taught in this subject (e.g. Java,
JSP, JDBC, Java DB). You can use other technologies (JS, AngularJS, NodeJS, REACT,
.NET, etc.) of your choice.
Minimum Viable Product
You have already implemented the index or landing page (home page) of the Online Movie
Store (OMS) application in assignment 1 (prototype). It was the starting point of the web
application and provided the options of login and register to users (without the program
logic). It should provide further implementations, pages and links for other features (see
table below) with appropriate navigation between pages (view), controller and model
including database tables and sample data. In consultation with your tutor during Release
1/Iteration 0 (Week 7)/ Assignment 1 Showcase, you should confirm/ finalise the features
from the following table (e.g. 1 feature per team member) for the minimum viable product,
assign the individual feature to the team member and align the user stories captured in
assignment 1. Features 01, 02, 03 and 04 are mandatory features for the minimum
viable product (release 1). If you are 4 people in a group, then you will include these
mandatory 4 features for the implementation and testing for release 1. For 6 people in a
group, you will select these mandatory 4 features plus any of the other 2 features of your
choice from the list to ensure that each student in a group has the responsibility to
implement an individual end to end feature using MVC. Special circumstances or group size
(<3) may change the group work in consultation with the tutor and subject coordinator.
Professional software development and learning requires team effort.
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Online Movie Store (OMS) Key Features Table (General Description: CRUD)
Additional Guiding Points:
1. Index page (home page) is the starting point of the web application and should provide
the options of login and register to users and links to other feature pages (e.g. Movie
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Catalogue, Order). Allow users to logout (to index page) or go back to the Main page
from anywhere.
2. If a user cancels an order, then the order status is set to “cancelled”. However, the
cancelled orders are still stored in database.
3. If a user cancels their account, all submitted orders made by this user should be
automatically cancelled and orders details should be saved in database with their status
marked as “cancelled”.
4. Once a user places an order, the number of copies of the purchased movie should
decrease. If a user cancels the order then the number of copies purchased should be
added back to the movies copies in database.
5. If a movie has zero copies, then users should not be able to purchase it.
6. As you add more pages to your web application make them available from home page or
relevant page.
7. You must populate your database tables with sample data such as users, movies, orders
etc. At least 20 records in each table. You can directly add these sample records through
database management system interface.
8. Your web application should perform validation of inputs to prevent system crashes. In
the case of your web application, you should display an appropriate error message if the
user has inputted incorrect data, allowing them to re-enter the data.
9. The data validation should be server-side not client side (do not use client side Java
Script or CSS for data input validation). This is for the purpose of server-oriented
web development learning regardless of a good practice. Verify the input data against
corresponding data stored in the database, where applicable.
10. Your user interface should be well thought out, providing a consistent look and feel on
all pages, and providing useful navigation links. The user should be able to get to where
he or she wants to go without ever having to click the browser's back button.
11. Your code should be well designed, commented and neatly formatted.
Assignment 2: Consolidated Working Software Deliverables & Report
5. Provide an appropriate error
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(C) Dr. Asif Gill 2019 8
ITEMS Maximum
message if the user has
inputted incorrect data,
allowing them to re-enter the
data (2 Marks)
Note: Do not use client-side Java
Script or CSS for data input validation.
Controller (10) Working Controller(s) to control the
data flow between the View and
Model. Controller layer acts as an
interface between View and Model. It
receives requests from the View layer
and processes them, including the
necessary validations (server-side
validations). The requests are further
sent to Model layer for data
processing, and once they are
processed, the data is sent back to the
Controller and then displayed on the
View. The Controller should have
following items:
1. Meet feature/user stories/
requirements (8 Marks)
2. Reusable code classes or
packages (2 Marks)
Model (15) Working Model layer. This layer
contains business logic of the system
and represents the state of the
application. It’s independent of the
View layer, the Controller fetches the
data from the Model layer and sends it
to the View layer. Model layer is also
connected to the Database. The Model
layer including the connected
Database should have following items.
1. Meet feature/ user stories/
requirements (5 Marks)
2. Reusable Java Beans (2 Marks)
3. Data Access Object (DAO) &
Database Connectivity (2
4. Database Tables & Attributes
(2 Marks)
5. Appropriate Table data
constraints & relationships (2
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(C) Dr. Asif Gill 2019 9
ITEMS Maximum
6. Sample data in the database –
at least 20 records in each table
(2 Marks)
2. Tests of the Solution 10 Report
Software Application Feature or
Service or Module
(1) Provide a brief functional description
of the assigned software application
feature or module and its mapping to
user stories.
Non-functional Aspects (1) Provide a brief description of the nonfunctional
aspects of the assigned
software application feature or module
Software Testing Results (4) Document 1 acceptance test criteria
for each user story relevant to your
feature or service from release 1.
Record acceptance test case (linked to
a user story), and test results in the test
matrix (e.g. excel spread sheet or MS
word table).
Defect Log (4) Keep a log of the failed acceptance
test cases in a table or spread sheet.
Defect log should have at least
following items (you can include
additional items).
Defect ID (DI001)
Defect Description (e.g. problem and
Defect Date
Test Case ID (e.g. Failed test case id)
Tester Name (e.g. who reported the
Responsible (e.g. who will handle the
Status (e.g. identified, assigned, in
progress, resolved, unresolved defects)
Comments (any additional comments)
Summary: total defects, % of resolved
defects, % of in progress defects.
Appendices –
Project timesheet
- Each student to complete and submit
the timesheet signed by their project
Note: Assuming each student in the
ISD project team is working 8-10
hours per week for this project. If a
student does not submit timesheets,
41025 ISD Assignment 2 Autumn 2019
(C) Dr. Asif Gill 2019 10
ITEMS Maximum
then he/she will receive zero for
their project mark.
Appendices –
Individual Contribution Logbooks
- Include contents from the Individual
Contribution Logbooks. Link your
individual contribution to weeks and
hours recorded in timesheet.
The individual contribution logbook is
mandatory for students to submit with
each Assignment: Assessment Items
(1-2) to receive individual project
marks. If a student does not submit
this logbook, then he/she will receive
zero for their project mark.
3. Overall Quality, Presentation 5 Quality of visual/oral group report and
software demonstration. You are not
required to prepare and submit the
presentation slides. Launch and present
the report submitted via Turnitin. Present
software from your laptop.
1. Report is clear and easy to
follow (1 Mark)
2. Report is correct from
language perspective (1 Mark)
3. Software demonstration is
clear (1 Mark)
4. Software code is commented
and neatly formatted (1 Mark)
5. Overall correctness of answers
to the questions (1 Mark)
Total Maximum Marks 50
Note: You must demonstrate (present) working software (from your laptop) during
showcase and submit working software code before assignment 2 due date. If as a team
member you were not present during the showcase for demonstration, questions and
answers relevant to your software feature or service module then you will receive zero
individual marks for this assignment (0 out of 50).
Note: Please note that if the software failed to compile or run during the presentation or you
did not present the software during the scheduled showcase time then Zero mark will be
given for this assignment.
You should regularly get feedback on the assignment tasks and deliverables from the
coaches during the workshop sessions. Each student group should assume the role of a
Software Provider Start-up Company for the ISD Project.
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(C) Dr. Asif Gill 2019 11
Assessment Feedback
Feedback on the marked assignments will be within 2 weeks after the assignment due or
submission date.
Minimum Requirements
See subject outline for details. NO conceded passes are to be granted due to University
Referencing Standards
All material derived from other works must be acknowledged and referenced accordingly
using the Harvard Referencing Style (see
Late Penalty
See subject outline for late submission penalty, unless an extension has been approved by
the subject coordinator.
Special Consideration
Special consideration, for late submission, must be arranged beforehand with the subject coordinator
(email: asif.gill@uts.edu.au).
Please also see the UTS Special Consideration Process:
Special Needs:
Students should email the subject coordinator as soon as possible (and prior to the
assessment deadline) to make them aware of the impact on them meeting assessment
component/requirements, and that they are seeking assistance through UTS Special Needs
as detailed in Section 5.1.3 of Procedures for the Assessment of Coursework Subjects.
Academic Misconduct:
Please see the subject outline for plagiarism and academic integrity in conjunction with
UTS policy and procedures for the assessment for coursework subjects.
Querying Marks/Grades and Final Results
See subject outline for details.


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